Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lazey Stale

It seems like women, by and large, are still considered little more than breeding window dressings. Sure, there are women doing amazing things in the world - scientists, researchers, health care workers, mothers, teachers, etc. But it was a 60 Minutes interview that made me wonder if we're ever going to be thought of as people.

It was Lesley Stahl (Stale) interviewing Felicity Huffman. Lesley asked Felicity if motherhood was the best experience of her life. I was shocked, because as incredible as it must be to create and train another human being, is that really the BEST thing a woman can ever do with her life? Is everything else we might do considered frivolous and worthless?

To her credit and my relief, Felicity said "No, no, and I resent that question, because I think it puts women in an untenable position, because unless I say to you, 'Oh, Lesley, it's the best thing I've ever done with my whole life,' I'm considered a bad mother. And just when I said no you, you went back." And she did. Lesley physically pulled back in astonishment.

Stale went on to ask if Felicity thought she was a good mother. By whose standards are we going to judge that? Lesley's? The people who watch CBS? And what the fuck does that have to do with Felicity's success as an actress, which was the orginally stated SUBJECT of the story? So even though she's now enjoying success in her field, it still comes down to "are you breeding well?" because that's all that really matters.

And at one point in the interview she was asking how Felicity identified with the character in Transamerica, to the pain the character experienced in the story, and Felicity said what most people might say, that we can all identify with insecurity and being uncomfortable in our own skin. Anyone who's ever been 14 should be able to connect with that.

But it seemed like Stale was trying to be coy, hoping for deep, personal details that aren't anyone's business, like asking about a history of bulimia, which was acknowledged but it was obvious Felicity wasn't going to break down and confide in this boob. When Felicity told Stale she thought anyone could connect with insecurity, Stale said "Nooo" with incredulous gravity, like she was somehow immune to such human conditions. What an asshole.

Instead of telling Lesley to shove it & storming off, Felicity graciously finished the "interview" on a positive note. It's too bad that all Lesley could offer us was typical dreck, even asking at one point about the rumored cat fighting on the Housewives set, which is what I'd expect to see on E! Online, not 60 Minutes. Shame on you Lesley.

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