Sunday, May 03, 2009

Bitches & Hos

Tonight's exchange:

David: I know you'll hate me saying this, but I miss winter.
Me: Shut your smelly mouth.
David: But I love winter! You know I don't like summer.
Me: Winter is a shitty bitch.
David: Well, summer is a sweaty whore.
Me: Some people might like sweaty whores, but no one likes a shitty bitch.


Anonymous said...

ROFL ... you two are the George and Gracie Allen of our era.

Anonymous said...

I am STILL weeping salty tears of mirth over this exchange.

Hazel Nootsmaak said...

I love it! :)) The other night we're settling in for a good night's sleep and he turns to me and says, "Guess what's coming in June!?"

I'm thinking, Aw, that's so sweet - he's all excited about my birthday already... nooo... he says, "The days start getting shorter again!" I punched him so hard. ArGh!