Rocket SHIP...
Dipity. Dooooo.
[things you'd find in Cameron's Tumi bag]
And after a giant laughing fit this afternoon while recreating favorite moments from Password and $24,000 Pyramid, I spilled coffee on my shirt.
I then tried to dab out the coffee stain with a damp napkin. It didn't work. Rather than walk around with a coffee stain right there in the middle of my, uh, windscreen, I thought it might be better to just cover it up.
We always have salt handy. So, BLAM. Salt. I mean, if you're going to have a stain on your shirt, or a stain that isn't quite gone and that part of the shirt is now warped from your attempts to remove the stain, and now it's worse than it was to begin with, why not just keep going.

I forgot it was there until later in the day when someone from another group came to talk to me about some wireframe copy - somewhat technical - and while he was trying to explain his thoughts on the matter, I noticed him look at my shirt and then a slightly puzzled expression came over his face as he tried like hell to stay on topic.
But you could tell his train was dangerously close to derailing. At the same moment I noticed that he noticed, I became riveted to his every word, hoping to increase the sense of pressure he might be feeling to not lose track and ask why the hell I had a salt packet taped to my shirt.
He managed to keep it together and upon subsequent trips to resolve the copy issue, avoided the salt area entirely and we had the matter solved in no time.
Jeff and I will need to pick up supplies for future stain masking occcasions. Like plastic flatware, paper plates, office-themed greeting cards, and some of those cafe table numbers.
1 comment:
LOL. I can picture it and it's hee-larious. You know, that is why I never wear white shirts to work. I spill coffee on them approximately 30 seconds after I leave the house...whether or not I even have a cup of coffee handy. Literally.
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