Saturday, November 18, 2006

Just Say Duuude... What?

MJ restaurant sign from

I saw a show today about drugs in the 70s - when pot from Columbia was first brought into the U.S., but it had to be brought in by the cargo plane-full to be profitable on a large scale - and how the savvy dealers realized they'd do better with cocaine - smaller shipments, way more revenue.

According to the show, High Times Magazine was started to help move all the pot brought in because at that time, few people knew about "Columbia Gold" and other varieties, so they started a magazine to spread the word.

Then there's cocaine. What a frightening concoction that is. On the show an actress was talking about how back in the late 70s/early 80s the hairdressers (on set) always had the coke, and it was "such a nice afternoon pick-me-up."

The idea sounds appealing - just a quick snort and you're fresh and peppy until late into the night - until you learn about all the damage it does to the central nervous system, not to mention the mucous membranes. Good times.

Also interesting was the timing of the 70s drug scene (as described in the show) - how we were coming out of a fearful state, with the Draft and the Vietnam war, and all the "kids" were rebelling, basically running wild all Carnivale-style.

If that was the impetus behind the 70s drug scene, what are we going to see in the next five or ten years? Is our current administration the reason behind the huge meth problem?

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