I don't want to alarm anyone, but there's a strange chicken in my backyard. She was back there all morning until my neighbor came home and helped catch her.
What a nice way to meet a new neighbor, running around the yard with towels trying to outwit a flightless bird. Man, those suckers can move fast.
She's now living in Henry's travel cage until the animal shelter folks come out tomorrow & pick her up from my neighbor, and I'm defrosting her distant cousin in the sink.

Oh, terrific!!
What an unusually cute chicken. She looks so soft...and look at those whispy feet...
I have to say, it was fun to see a chicken running around the yard. When outside with her, she was making really sweet cooing/clucking noises.
I keep looking over into the neighbor's yard wanting to see her frolicking around their garden and it's kinda sad she's gone now. I miss her. :(
This brought back flashbacks (good ones) to my childhood, when we had pet chickens. Ours were not nearly as pretty as this one. But, there's something sweet about a pet chicken. I think it's their stupidity. Or maybe it's because they taste like chicken. Mmm.
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