Caught a sound bite last night that made me wince - a republicant hoping to run for president apparently wants to ban abortion - totally. Huntsman, I think it was. This was the douchebag who held his press conference in New Jersey but said he was in New York.
And that got me thinking about this. Again.
Here's another man - a man who will never face the situation of having to decide if he can carry a child to term - or not - for whatever reason - believing his beliefs (Mormon) should be everyone's beliefs. (Doesn't everyone love that knock on the front door from the nauseatingly cheerful boy in the shirt & tie!?)
Reminds me of another bag of douche, Mitch Daniels, who approved the Planned Parenthood funding ban in Indiana - a man with four daughters. Four daughters who will most likely be able to afford any sort of health care they could ever want.
But, heaven with a baby jesus wrapped in golden fleece forbid, should they ever find themselves in need of health care they cannot afford, they'll be shit out of luck at Planned Parenthood, thanks to daddy.
On the flip side - how the fuckity fuck does IVF fit into this scenario? Why is it perfectly legal - even encouraged - to use unnatural means for women to become pregnant with MULTIPLE embryos? Isn't that - dare I say it... CHOICE?
If you're anti-choice, then IVF should be banned right along with abortion. If one cannot choose to abort a fetus, one should not be allowed to artificially create a fetus. Yet why is IVF so acceptable? Why wouldn't IVF be banned in favor of adoption?
Oh, but then it wouldn't be *our* baby with *our* DNA (that seemed to realize maybe you shouldn't be breeding). Heaven with fourteen baby jesuses wrapped in pink saran wrap forbid we adopt a potty-trained child desperate for a loving family. That's some shit talking right there.
But really, it goes a lot deeper than Save the Babies and Abortion is Murder. For the record, I'm pro choice/freedom all the way around. Pro-free country, pro-death penalty, anti-seat belt & helmet laws & pro-Darwin. But I digress.
Women saddled with children are more easily controlled - more so than we childless broads. Women running around after drooling, screaming toddlers all day don't have the energy to sit and wonder why all these men (and some batshit crazy women) want us having dozens of kids.
And by the way, these assholes don't give two shits about the kids - anyone can have one if you want one (or six). There's no special certification required - any dumbshit can crap out a kid and then pop it in the microwave for dinner. Or they can raise them to be totally undisciplined, screaming brats who will grow up to be totally undisciplined screaming assholes. Oh the beautiful miracle of life!
But back to my point... men run the world. Still. How, I really can't fathom, as most of them are rather inept, but they do. Though there are a handful walking around smart enough to realize just how dumb they are - hence, perhaps the fear of losing their status?
With women outnumbering the men in our country, and interestingly, it seems like everyone I know who is having kids has more girls than boys - you boys must be cuddling your nuts in terror. You know your days are numbered. That gives me great joy.
The bottom line is, you can go ahead and try to ban abortion - I don't think it will ever happen - but if it does, you're just making the problem worse.
The smarter, more capable women will always find a way to survive these ridiculous tactics and as a result, they'll be more likely to wreak havoc on your little nutsacks. It makes us that much more intent on doing so.
And the thing that should scare you more than women without kids is women who are consciously deciding to have or adopt them and are teaching them to question the world in just this way.
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