He did it again – thankfully that doesn’t include biting me again.
The boy cats play/fight fairly frequently, sometimes very early in the morning, but something sounded very different this morning.
At 4:30 am I jumped out of bed knowing something was wrong – Gato Tardo and Neo had raced into the bedroom fighting, but I saw Neo still in the doorway while Ninja was somewhere else, hissing and meowling like he was dying. I thought a raccoon or another cat somehow found a way into the house.
On the other side of the bed I found him. He'd managed to get a claw on his back foot caught in his wooly “security blanket” and he panicked. He was hissing and fighting the blanket – and fighting with us as we tried to get it free.
While he was struggling Neo pounced on him - attacked him for real – almost like he wanted to put down the rebellion or take out a weak herd member. We got Neo out of the way and I scruffed Ninja as hard as I could but he still got free and almost chomped me.
He tore out of the bedroom and all through the house, finally stopping in the kitchen where he rolled over onto his back, as if to plead for help. I grabbed the kitchen shears and managed to cut the blanket near his foot and he ran off.
I followed him up to the loft where I talked to him to try to calm him down. As soon as he relaxed, the little shred of blanket that was left on his foot came right off.
It took over an hour to calm ME down and get back to sleep. We would like to trade him in for some Tupperware.
Oh god... I laughed until I cried at this one... not because I'm some cruel bastard who hates kitties, but because I HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME PLACE EXACTLY with our boys over the years. Lordy!
I know you understand all too well. He's been extra affectionate lately... I can't help but wonder if he's trying to tell me "thank you - thank you for killing the wooly monster!"
Shembo now refers constantly to our Mo as "El Tardo," thanks to you. This morning: half a mouse left in his water dish.
I just want to say how happy I am that the "tardo" name is catching on back east. As for the demi mouse.. EW. But the kid had the right idea - it IS soup weather.
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