Monday was a fluke - hardly anyone was in the office and somehow I ended up with only one half-hour meeting. Realizing such days are rare, I decided it would be a good day to visit the counter at Sear's.
Running out to wait in long lines to grab food to-go from places where you rarely get a seat during the short lunch hour is a drag.
I love a nice little coffee shop where I can sit at the counter & read the paper and leave all that mess behind.
And lately, maybe because of the crappy weather and stress, I'm seeking out all sorts of starchy goodness. Pancakes. Pancakes and a cup of coffee, and someone to bring it to me without me having to stand in line to order it.
I'm ready for my vacation. I'm ready to stop staying late at the office. I'm ready to get back to projects I've had to set aside to focus on not so fun things. I'm ready for all the hub bub of what was supposed to be a quiet wedding to be behind me. I'm ready for my mother to stop flipping out about people who haven't sent in their RSVP cards - the nerve of those people!
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