I'd have liked to have gone exploring with my camera, but I needed to get the Bird Boy home to let him relax. Poor kid got a toenail clipped that kept bleeding - had to take him back inside for more styptic powder before heading home.

I promise I wasn't driving when I snapped that - we were stopped at a light.
Years ago I used to take Henry to work with me a few days a week & he'd hang out with my coworkers all day. I could try to take him with me to work now but I think it would be way too boring for him.
Yesterday while getting a quick chair massage I had a random thought - What if I just left - took off & left the building, like when 415 shut down and the few of us at the bitter end went packing...
That feeling like I was finally free and could go anywhere and do anything. It was a great rush. Why not just do that? The thought was very appealing.
Don't you dare :-)
We'd miss you too much!
Relax and have a cuppa sanch.
lol - a cuppa sanch. love that. it was just a fleeting thought... I'd miss all of you, too. and on that note, you *must* get your software & hardware soon so we don't lose you to a not-so-random thought.
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