Today I went shopping at the Nob Hill Foods to pick up ingredients for a pumpkin bisque. I don't enjoy grocery shopping, so I like to get in, get what I need and get the hell out.
I was moving at an efficient clip from one end of the giant store to the other and back again making sure I found everything I needed. I'd jammed my wallet into the front pocket of my pants and it wasn't very comfortable there as I speed-walked through the store, but I was intent on getting out of there as fast as I could.
I found everything I needed in record time and was happy to be done quickly and on my way home to make a bisque.
Rather than wait in line for a human checker, I used the robot check out & scanned my own stuff. I was glad I remembered how to enter the produce codes instead of trying to look everything up in the computer. In just a few minutes I had all my stuff scanned and bagged.
And then it was time to pay. I checked my pocket - no wallet. No fucking wallet. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit SHIT. HOLY SHIT. MY WALLET IS GONE. I was flipping out, ever so subtly, with all my shit scanned, just sitting there... I started to panic a little.
I found a guy behind the customer service counter and told him I'd just rung up all my stuff and realized I'd dropped my wallet. At that moment, one of the checkers came up and called me by name and asked if I'd lost my wallet.
She said they'd been paging me, but I was so focused on being a good cashier, I never heard it. A customer had turned it in just a moment before, but he/she was already gone and I couldn't say thank you. I couldn't believe how lucky I'd been - incredibly fucking lucky - incrediflucky.
Thank you, kind soul, who found my wallet I'd stupidly tried to jam into a shallow pocket and thank you for turning it in immediately, saving me from a heart attack and stroke right there in aisle 1. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
And the bisque turned out wonderfully.
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