But back to the words... I had some uncomfortable blockage in my brainial colon while trying to rewrite an article for a client on a topic I don't know much about and for which there's limited information to work from. Here's a shot of me working on it:

I struggled with the article, then I struggled with my camera to practice what I learned last week in Chicago. It was not a good day, and I wasn't even fighting a headache or other ailment - my brain just wouldn't function.
So, I had some cookies, watched some TV and went to bed early. Oh, and at one point in the afternoon I yelled (politely) at Crazy Neighbor Bob to turn down his stupid truck stereo he was blasting while sweeping leaves off his front porch - and it wasn't anything good he was playing.
Who does that? Who plays his car stereo so loudly it's louder than a radio playing inside your own house? What a jerk. No, Bob, only you enjoy quasi-country-pop tunes played loud enough to be heard in Fresno - the rest of us would like to make our own listening choices.
But I'm happy to say today was much better. I re-shot the photos and I think I'm back on track, I *think* I successfully reworked the article, and I have not yelled at any neighbors, but it's still early.
1) Cookies can solve almost any problem, and you were correct to administer them right off the bat.
2) CNBob has to play the music loud to drown out the voices in his head.
You're not kidding - you can almost see him trying to make sense of the static in his head - buzzing bees and popping corn up there.
You know what else helps writer's block? Procrastination. You're not getting anything done anyway, so enjoy the time you have and do whatever feels fun. I got caught up on The Hills on mtv.com - way better than watching it live - only one commercial before each chapter (of four total). Bargain!
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