Kitty seems to be back to normal, perhaps eating a bit more than usual as if to show me, "No appetite problems here! Everything's fine - I feel great - look how much I can fit in my mouth! I LOVE kibble!"
The vet called this afternoon and it was all good news - blood work came back normal, urine screen was fine - everything looked OK. Still don't know what it might have been or if it was really worth the ordeal she went through, but I guess we know for sure nothing serious is going on.
I'm sure she never wants to return to any vet at any time ever again - never ever. Maybe tonight she'll put on a play and show us how many push ups she can do.
Appropos of nothing, thanks for "Overheard in the Office," just for this gem:
Worker bee: Do I smell bacon, or am I just having a really awesome stroke?
Whew. So relieved she's ok. Meow.
And then there's Tracy's line from 30 Rock - "I couldn't sleep at all last night. Angie kept my Sharper Image white-noise/aromatherapy machine. She knows I can't sleep without the sound of the ocean and the smell of bacon."
We're all very relieved Nikita is back to normal. Last night she did four loads of laundry for me to prove she's feeling great.
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