It can't be that I'm incredibly stupid - it has to be something else. I blame drugs and Mark Knopfler.
I woke up this morning with what felt like the start of a crushing migraine or sinus headache, so I took a decongestant (from Canada, of course) and a few advil. Thankfully, that was all I needed and the headache dissipated.
And instead of a headache I now had slightly impaired motor skills, 'cause the pseudoephedrine makes me a little shaky. It also makes me a little drowsy, but nothing a strong cup of coffee can't help, which is good, to add a big dose of caffeine on top of the pseudoephedrine. I'm smart like that.
So, with my head taken care of, I began to prep for an afternoon meeting in Larkspur. I successfully assembled all the materials I wanted and then tried to unwrap the Knopfler CD I bought yesterday.
Big thanks to Borders for not removing the theft-prevention, fort knox plastic encasement. I've only waited weeks to get this CD, why would I want to actually open it or listen to it? I tried a screwdriver (the tool - later I would need the drink), then a hammer, then it was David's turn.
He chose his weapon wisely - wire snippers. Cut right through the stupid plastic, then it was just a matter of peeling off the stupid sticky tape thing at the top. Because you have to have both - the hard plastic encasement isn't enough deterrent - you must also have the annoying, only-comes-off-in-maddeningly-tiny-strips sticky plastic tape.
With that frustration behind me but not forgotten, I got ready for my meeting. After getting all cleaned up & dressed, I decided to wear tinted moisturizer sunscreen. It helps me look not so pasty.
I have two shades of the same brand - one for summer, one for winter - and since it's not quite winter, I tried to make a blend of the two. I thought it looked OK in my hand, then I put it on. Instead of a very subtle tanning effect, it made me look slightly jaundiced. I put it on anyway.
Out the door right on time, I was on my way northward. Traffic was OK - not too stupid - just me. When I got close to the office, I realized too late that it was on the other side of the street and I was in the lane that forces you to get on 101 north.
Onto the freeway I had to go. I got off at the next exit, hoping it would loop back around where I needed to be - it's all messed up over there - freeways, onramps and offramps all thrown around willy nilly in a crowded mess.
Thankfully, I did get back to where I needed to go, with a close pass right by San Quentin - how exciting! - and when I got to the stoplight, of course there's no left turn, because there's a freeway exit directly to the left and other oncoming traffic lanes all chucked together. And, even better, the stoplights weren't working, blinking red, so traffic was backed up for a half mile in every direction. Sweet!
I finally made it over and back and around and into the parking lot, only a few minutes late to my meeting and they were totally understanding about the traffic mess. And they're all so nice, they didn't even comment on my jaundice.
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