It shouldn't come as a big surprise, from the man who brought us the asinine Jar Jar Binks, that George would start a game company then put a bunch of no-talent ass clowns in charge of it.
After four months abroad working to successfully get a project back on track, a project that was derailed by ongoing miscommunication by the exec producers, David was laid off today. Along with about 99 other people. See
Kotaku.com for more info.
He just returned last Friday and today they told him Thanks so much, Fuck Off. Though strangely, his boss called this morning to tell him that there would be a round of layoffs but claimed not to know if he would be included.
Not even an hour later someone from HR called to tell him that he was, in fact, laid off. And just two weeks after he received a glowing review with high praise for all his great work in the UK.
Later on we learned that one of David's teammates, an annoying, undermining piece of shit I'll call James, because that's his name, quit the company a week ago.
Jimmy-boy is a good buddy of the VP who reportedly put together the list of those to be laid off, so it would seem that the POS heard the news of what was coming and left before the clear cutting began.
Jimmy is also a good buddy of David's boss, the one who called this morning claiming not to know anything. Maybe he was trying to appear unaware of what was about to happen, when he was probably very aware and just such a self-serving piece-of-shit weasel he thought he could somehow appear innocent in the matter.
If it's always going to come down to who's willing to blow the most people to get ahead, why bother working to produce a quality product?
Why stand up for doing the right thing or have any integrity at all when all that really matters is how many knee pads you can wear out in the least amount of time? David's boss must have bone bruises on his knee caps by now.
You know what you end up with when you run a company like this? Just more no-talent ass clowns who only care about their own no-talent asses, who couldn't care less about doing the right thing by the project or the company.
Obviously I'm angry, but more so disappointed. We were both so excited when this opportunity came along, and David loved the work he was doing, despite the annoying hiccups along the way.
LucasArts used to have some cache in the industry, a place someone would be proud to put on their resume. Now they're just like any other ass-fucking corporation that couldn't care less about the people they hire to make them successful.
Fuck you, George, and your lame ass executives. I'm glad I booked a job instead of going to see your new movie and we're sure as shit not going to go see it now.
Update 6/11: Rumor has it a deal is in the works between LucasFarts and EA. Another game was just canceled, sending the developer into its own tailspin after staffing up to meet the redonkulous deadlines Lucas demanded.
Spielberg recently partnered with EA to ship something (I don't even know what it was it was so wildly successful) and he probably told Georgie to stop wasting money on his on IPs and just hand it all off to EA.
Those remaining report that it's just a matter of time before everyone is gone and Lucas is nothing more than a licensing company that works on one or two projects as a boutique shop. David's feeling like it was probably a good thing to get out when he did.