The only thing I accomplished while David was gone was a whole lotta ass-sitting.
I almost felt guilty at first, but then I realized how good it felt. I sat on my ass at home, then I sat on my ass in a movie theater all by myself. Turns out few people go to the movies at noon on a Monday.
My list of goals was ambitious and unfortunately, I only managed to achieve a few of them: wore sweats almost the entire time, did no dishes whatsoever and watched bad TV - The City! The City After Show! Jay is a total lying cheater!
Then there's the ginormous time suck that is the internet - Facebook, Flickr, blogs, news, but mostly Facebook... oh how I love that time vampire.
But today was fairly productive... I bought my tickets and in just over four weeks I'll be on my way to the sun-baked desert where I can damage my skin and float around in the lap pool.
A week later I get to drive up to the Bay Area, stopping at every In & Out along the way, where I will consume gallons of Peet's and eat plates and plates of molé chicken at La Piñata, washed down with buckets of Don Julio on the rocks. I'm so excited I could cry hot tears of sweet tequila.
You live some life! You should petition for a new reality show, "The Housewives of Vancouver." I'd watch it. You'd need to find some weak member of the herd to gang up on to justify Bravo picking up the series, but the rest would be pretty sweet.
Hey - when are you here exactly? Bay Area that is. I hope it's not when I'm in Palm Springs! Oh the irony.
I'm in Palm Desert 4/2-4/8 and then I drive up to the Bay Area & will be there through the 15th... When are you going to PS???
Rooty, I'm afraid my RHWoV would be dreadfully boring - not that the RHWoOC/NYC are all that riveting... but what a great excuse to go out & cook up all sorts of shenanigans.
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