shot of vancouver from the plane - looks yummy, eh?
Traveling can cause you to lose track of the days, especially when you've had a busy two weeks in a different climate or environment.
I knew I was in BC on a Friday afternoon today when on the way to the store, I saw a guy up ahead of me in the bike lane on a very slow moped. I could have run faster than he was putt-putting along.
He had what looked to be large, white plastic packages or bags across his lap – big, awkward looking things – they looked kinda heavy, too. I wondered if the weight of his packages was what was slowing him down – he was going that slowly.
As I got closer, I saw that he had two large BC Liquor Store bags hanging on each arm – four really big bags, total. Starting off the weekend right, PoCo style.
At the grocery store, the checker couldn’t get one of my things to scan. She started typing numbers into the system, not looking at the screen. I saw “Nutrition Consult… $25.00” come up on my tab as she went on scanning the rest of my stuff.
When she finished I asked her about the Nutrition Consult and she started explaining that they have a consultant who, if I want her to, will take me all around the store and show me products that can help me live a healthier lifestyle. I said that sounded great, then asked her why she was charging me $25 for it on my tab. She hadn’t realized she’d typed that in.
I'm repacking my duffel bag.
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