(here's Mr. Reindeer under the tree with his friend, Christmas Talosian)
Christmas is over for us but will go on forever for the cats.
While decorating the house this year I found a little stuffed reindeer toy in one of the boxes - a gift from someone at some point, it doesn't do much but it's cute, so I propped him under the tree.
A few nights after getting all the decorations up, I found the toy in the bathroom. Seems "someone" (Neo) found him and claimed him, then dragged him off to 'kill' him on the fuzzy bathroom rug.

(slain on the bathroom rug)

(on another night, slain on the bathmat)
I returned the reindeer to the tree and the next day found him in the kitchen. No matter how many times I put the toy back under the tree, the next day it would be gone, dragged off to some other part of the house.

(left just outside our bedroom - a gift)
Now the reindeer is sufficiently coated in Neo spit and dust and will remain a cat toy for the rest of its life. Probably more fun than living in a box in the basement.

The Christmas Talosian knows all.
LOVE the Christmas Talosian. I unrealistically envision your home as the happiest place on earth, as opposed to that Disney joint.
The CT was a gift from a dear friend - I can't even remember now why she was motivated to christmasify a Talosian, but it never ceases to make me laugh. Especially when I see how she had to cut the santa hat to glue it onto its ginormous dome. Kills me. He is *serious* about Christmas.
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