Monday, August 21, 2006

First Day Back

Aside from a couple hundred emails to dig through, it was an easy eight. There's a ton of stuff to catch up on - stuff I'd hoped might die a quick death while I was gone so I wouldn't have to return to it. But no. Nothing ever dies there. It drags on and on and on and on and on and on until you give up any hope of anything ever really being done. Ever.

I spoke with someone today who is brand new to a particular process, and as I was describing the general chain of events, she kept asking, "So you'll send that to me using regular email?" I had to ask her what she meant by "regular email" to ensure I wasn't giving her bad instruction in case there was a special email I should be using. She just meant Outlook, or as she put it, "The Outlook."

This particular project was dumped on her right before its usual owner took off for two weeks. There are confusing elements to it, stuff that's never been clearly explained to me in all the time I've been there. It's not her, it's the project and the lack of clear documentation about any given system or process.

You have to know a guy who knows a guy who knows how to get in touch with another guy who will make a call, and in about a month, you'll get some additional info. It may or may not be what you needed.

But whatever. It was mellow. At least I'm not working with these people.

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