Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Travelogue - Monday (8/7)

I think vacation is working. I think I'm unwound. I'm cleaning my room, the kitchen, the house, doing laundry, reading books I've meant to read for months - things I didn't have time/energy for before this trip north.

Either I'm relaxed enough to be able to focus on stuff like that, or I'm kidding myself and feeling twitchy about having so little to do. Being away from home, I don't have much else TO do.

I'm ready to get home to my giant man boy and my fuzzy children. A little more northwest unwinding to go, and then I'll be in the car going very fast towards California.

Something the deer haven't eaten yet.

Amazing thunder/lightning storms came through Monday night - tried like hell to get a bolt, but no tripod, lots of clouds and too much ambient outdoor light to work around. The storm went on for hours - giant bolts covering half the sky at times.

Playing with zoom.

Smoke makes dramatic sunsets.

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