This *new* magic box is just about as magical as the magic coffee box. This magic box allows us to put plates, glasses, mugs and silverware into it, hook it up to a water source, plug it into an outlet, and after pushing another magical button, it *washes* all those things for us and makes them sparkly clean.

The plates, glasses, mugs and silverware are kept hidden in this magic box while they're cleaned by magic elves, instead of piled up in my sink and stacked up on the dish rack to dry. It's a whole new way to live. I can't figure out why it took me this long to buy the damn thing.
Update - 09/06/06:
How the hell did I ever live without this? I was a fool - a FOOL - for not getting this years ago. Though the electrical circuits in the kitchen weren't upgraded until last year, I could have dealt with a few blown fuses now & then to have a sink that's always empty, a counter free of drying dishes, and all those dishes washed for me by this incredible modern miracle. Thank you, Lords of Cascade.
I love the rabbit icon--that must be the speediest dishwasher eva!
It's my new bestest friend. Can't wait to wash the cats in it. Should do an amazing job.
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