It made me realize how lucky I was to work with these folks, even if too briefly, but even luckier to become friends with them. They're some of the smartest and funniest people I've ever met.
So, for all the whining and complaining you've seen in this space for the past 2 years, I apologize. I know I've complained a lot - about almost everything. I'm obviously a big baby and want everything to be perfect all the time. And for the most part, it has been, but I've kinda had my head up my butt. I think it's finally reversing course.
Thank you D and M - you made my day.

We were rolling on the floor composing that letter - but with inspiration like you, it's easy. ;)
omg. Love it!!!
Dolores Umbridge! Hah!!!!!!
I know! Genius!
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