Today I sorted through a box of old papers I'd meant to file years ago, papers, check stubs, bank statements, all sorts of crap that is now fit for the shredder.
Among the scraps I found a sketch I did almost 10 years ago of an *awesome* platform storage bed. This bed kicks ass, furniture-design-wise. Sure, I was hopped up on Prednisone at the time, but that doesn't detract from the genius of my design.
I'd had a wicked bad reaction to an Oil of Olay cleanser (heinous beta hydroxy acids) and when my face swelled up like I'd been stung by a thousand wasps, I hightailed it to the dermatologist who shot me in the hip with Prednisone, then sent me home with more in pill form. She said I might feel "hyper" or have trouble sleeping. And how!
I was sitting there on my futon sketching it out on a couple of pages: a 3-dimensional view with measurements, functional specs, the separate components and how they might be joined together, and how the platform for the mattress would have to be built to accommodate all the storage underneath.
This thing had a set of drawers along one side, drawers in the foot board, and bookshelves along the other side.
At the time, I lived in a sweet studio and while I loved the space, I was in constant need of creative storage, as well as modular units that could be easily rearranged to suit various space needs.
And the whole thing sits on big, locking casters, so you can roll it all around the room if you want to. I mean, if it's all loaded up with stuff as well as a mattress, you can't easily rearrange the furniture - it's going to weigh 400lbs. I was planning ahead.
Move it into the bay window during the summer, then move it back across the room in the winter. Roll it into the middle of the room and make it a buffet table for parties. It's so versatile, I want to build it and use it today!
We could get rid of a dresser and a bookcase and continually confuse the cats when the bed isn't in the same place they found it the day before. Sure, it requires a small step-stool to climb up into it, but we have high ceilings, so that's not an issue. You'll see I even included a step-stool in the drawing. I'm nothing if not thorough, and as you'll see, a very talented artist.

Now, where do I go to have a custom storage bed made?
Also found in the box for safekeeping, a quote from Clint in High Plains Drifter I'd written on a small scrap of paper: "It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid."
Both treasures are staying in the box.
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