Friday, December 14, 2007

Festivus Came Early

Last week I received the best Festivus gift ever - I reconnected with an old friend I hadn't seen in about eight years.

We'd slowly lost touch after we found ourselves in challenging new jobs and exciting new relationships. Without noticing it, we became ensconced in our own bubbles and drifted apart. Then I moved a couple of times, she bought a house, and time quietly slipped away.

Fast forward several years and I happened to reconnect with a mutual friend of ours. He then sent an email to both of us and you could almost hear the squealing sounds of excitement only audible to dogs and bottlenose dolphins.

After numerous emails we set up a dinner date. I drove into the city and couldn't wait to get there. I was so excited to see her. As she opened the door and yelled "HELLO!" it was like no time had passed. We talked so much that my dinner got cold before I could eat it.

It's hard to describe the elation and joy that comes from reconnecting with a quality person who was a true friend. It was like finding a part of myself I didn't realize I'd lost, a part of me I loved and needed, now with me again.

I couldn't stop smiling the whole night. I think when good people fade out of your life for whatever reason, they do take a little piece of you with them, whether you realize it or not, and you might only realize it when they're back in your life.

It felt like the beginning of a whole new chapter of life, not just a new beginning for an old friendship.

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