"...You're excused."
One of the nicest things I've ever heard. I was willing to do my civic duty, but after enduring too many hours of endless, repetitive questions from gasbag lawyers, I didn't want anything to do with any of it. What a huge waste of time and money. I should have read sites like this before ever showing up.
I thought it was interesting that they dismissed a lot of potential jurors with a background in technology or with white collar jobs for a carjacking trial. I found out from a friend of mine that I should have never been considered for the panel because I'm self-employed, but I need to do some research so I know how to handle that in the future.
This judge said the only way anyone could be excused for a financial hardship was to show tax returns and pay stubs. As my friend said, that doesn't show the full financial picture, and as an independent contractor, if you don't work, you don't get paid - that should be the end of the story - release me!
The prosecutor repeatedly asked the different jurors if they would have a problem with testimony from a police officer who lied to a suspect in order to collect information. She also kept asking people if they realized that this trial was not "CSI." WHAT? This is NOT CSI Hayward? Oh well fuck this. I'm leaving.
She probably excused me because I didn't laugh at her jokes. Or maybe it was my comments about police officers being mostly good but some are assholes, and if her case is relying solely on the testimony from cops who lied in order to gather information, I may not find that convincing and find the defendant not guilty.
When she called my number & name and told me I was excused, I had to force myself to not run from the courtroom. It felt a lot like quitting my job - I'm FREE! I wanted to see a movie, go shopping, paint a masterpiece, go to the beach - everything - right that minute.
I was just so happy to get home and back to my new routine. I'm shutting off the alarm clock for the rest of the summer.
Heh heh heh. You said "doodie."
You're definitely Jack Klugman. Or the feller in the sporty hat.
Jack Klugman RULES!
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