I expected to get this:

But instead, they filled a cup like this:

I'm not complaining - really - I'm not. I like that their "doppio" is my "twelvo." The economy alone is fantastic, but I also get to enjoy that much more of a tasty beverage.
But this is dangerous. On one hand, I could be considered a recovering caffeine addict and seeing that giant bowl of espresso, I was excited, like I was getting 3x my "fix" for free. I kept looking at it thinking, Are they really going to give me all that? Without charging me extra? Really?
So I tried to play it cool, like I always drink that much espresso at 4 in the afternoon and it's cool. It's cool. I can handle it.
We sat down and got caught up as I sipped my way through my dense coffee lake. It wasn't too long before I noticed my hands were shaking. And I usually talk fast, but I think I was on the verge of sounding like the FedEx guy from their 80s ads.
Even Ms. Crafty noticed the shaky hands - it was hard to hide. But she saw what they gave me. Anyone would have been shaky and twitchy, running off at the mouth about pajama pants and making stew.
I got home in time for dinner, but wasn't hungry (shock). I caught up on email and read a few magazines waiting for The Wire to come on. Man, that show. We're so sad to see it come to an end, but it's been a treat to watch it from the start and see how it will all wrap up.
When it was time for bed, I'm sure you can imagine what happened then. Yup - lying there in a very warm, pre-heated cocoon, reading my book, I could have kept reading all night and perhaps into Wednesday afternoon. I could have painted the garage and rototilled the back yard.
I think I've learned my lesson. It was rough getting up this morning. And for the second night in a row, I was awake at 4:30am, thinking it was morning - and the first night that happened there was no caffeine OD at work. Maybe my brain thinks we've moved to Hawaii. If only.
Back east, we've stopped serving espressos with kittens inside. Damn that ASPCA and PETA!
But that's how you get the best crema. I bet you can find a barista that will make you a bootleg kitten espresso.
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