Sounds like the next great Fisher Price toy for kids, doesn't it?
Yesterday I cruised through Happy Trails looking for something fun to send my niece for her birthday, and as I passed a shelf full of goodies I saw the Tarot deck and like an impulsive freak thought, I need this... and grabbed them.
Why? I've no idea. I've never been into this before, but I have had one reading, about a year ago, and it was fun. Yesterday the cards called to me and perhaps I'll soon expand my business to include readings.
The deck came with a fold-out chart that looks like a place mat that shows you how to lay them out and the influences of each card's position. Then there's another paper that explains - very briefly - what each card means. That was useless, so I had to go online for better info.
I think you have to have a single question in mind, like What's going to happen to my hair? or Will I continue to be gainfully employed? I chose the latter, shuffled the cards according to the instructions and went to work.
This is what they told me:
Card 1 - The Knight of Wands. Knights are the spirit of the teenager - all about changes (which explains the annoying hormonal fluctuations). Knights are never still and suggest movement, travel. The Wands represent an exciting trip and likely a long one to an exciting place, likely by motorcycle, car, bus or train. In the first position, it's influencing the atmosphere surrounding the matter in question. I guess that's true. I want to visit David in the UK for at least a week, maybe longer, but I'm not sure I can and still have work when I get back.
Card 2 - The Hierophant. In the second position it reveals or assists the obstacles facing me. Reveals or assists. So, does that mean it shows the obstacles more clearly, or it *assists* them in making them greater obstacles? According to the website reference, this guy is a sage advisor who reminds me that I have the answers to my problems and can solve them, even if it seems daunting. OK, that's true - I do have the answers - I'm good with that.
Card 3 - the Page of Wands. This one represents a message I might receive, possibly from afar about a trip or career change (or a few other things). Now, in the third position, supposedly it means the aim or most practical goal I can achieve or avoid under the circumstances. That totally clears it up. If my question is Will I remain gainfully employed?, the goal I can achieve or avoid under the present circumstances is taking a trip (or not), or making a career move (or not). It's true that I would be OK with a career move - an evolution of sorts - and it's true that there is an impending trip on the horizon, but I'm ambivalent about going. I worry about the kids, and I'm not sure if I can be gone - offline & totally unavailable - for a whole week when I have no backup resources. It's a pickle.
Card 4 brings us the King of Swords - a professional man (that's what it says on the card). According to the website reference, this represents tossing out a new idea, getting thoughts on paper, brainstorming. The ability to see problems objectively and find new and better solutions. According to the place mat, its position represents the foundation upon which the present circumstances are based - the causes. So my current situation stems from a professional man's ideas? Or I need to get my ideas solidified so I can move forward? No idea about this one. Maybe it just means that I'm a true professional and that's my foundation for all pursuits. Yeah, let's go with that for now.
Card 5 is II of Cups - Favorable for business & pleasure. The website says it's recognition of love, of a friend or soul mate. It predicts that you will find someone who 'knows' you, and you, in turn, will 'know' them. It is a very Romeo & Juliet card. So, there is the direction for that swelling of emotion within me, toward this other person. And the place mat says its position represents the immediate past or the influences that *were* present, but are now passing. Oy. That doesn't seem good. But that can happen when your husband works overseas for a number of months, right?
Card 6 - II of Pentacles, which apparently means I'm a juggler and the influence that will operate in the near future - forces that are becoming influential. According to the website, I'm an instinctively adept juggler, though one can't juggle everything forever. Keep at it and relief is on its way. That sounds good. It's not so much the juggling I mind, it's the dropping.
Card 7 is The Fool - with obvious connotations. But it also represents a new start. I might be about to make a move - to a new home, job or new life. More than just change, it's a brand new beginning with "movement" - a fresh, exciting new time. In the 7th position, this represents me, the questioner, and shows my attitude - carefree, a day dreamer, and no idea what all the future could hold. That's actually right on the money, in many ways.
Card 8 brings us VIII - Eights - how coincidental - of Pentacles. A card about strength, courage, movement, taking action and transformation. This Eight means I'm an apprentice - starting over, doing something new, or perhaps just expanding (thankfully not physically). In the eighth position, it represents my present environment - my position in life - and I have to admit, that's true. The real estate photography absolutely feels like an apprenticeship - I'm brand new to it, learning as I go, and have a long way to go before I master the trade. Other things are in the works as well, so this one also seems to fit. (ooooh!)
Second to last - Card 9 - we have a Four of Pentacles (lots of pentacles all up in my business). Fours represent stability, being rooted, established. It can also be something that refuses to budge, like my legs when I don't want to go for a run. The Pentacles is a card about holding tight to what I have, being in a position of status, health, money and comfort - solid and unchanging, and afraid of losing what I have. That's true - after leaving behind a giant, bi-weekly direct-deposit salary to start a new career that only pays me when a job comes in - I definitely worry about the jobs drying up and going back to Ramen Night - all week. And in the 9th position, it represents my fears, hopes or predictions. The card also says to relax, worry less - nothing will be lost and focus instead on making the best of what I have and enjoy it while I'm here. OK!
Finally, in 10th place, we have the Ace of Swords (saw-words). Aces are the root force, the spark, filled with raw potential (hey thanks!). Swords represent east or Spring - the mind awakening for new challenges, usually indicating that the person's mind is feeling sharper/clearer. They (I) want to talk, discuss or write (true). And in the last position, it represents the final outcome - the culmination of all the influences (cards) shown. Huh.
Silly as it sounds, all of this fits to a large degree. But I wonder if all readings would apply in some way - they're all just general enough to work, though some are confusing and leaves a great deal to interpretation. That said, give me a call if you want a reading!