It's almost Christmas. How the frick did that happen? Are you sure? Now? It's happening now? This week? Serious? But it was just August! Where's August? Who took my summer?
I keep thinking I should make some cards. Bake some biscotti. Tomorrow. Next week. There's time. Got lotsa time. NOPE. Time's UP!
No cards, no cookies. I'll get to it. Maybe by April. Sure.
Somehow I managed to get a small tree and set that up, but had I not walked by it at the store when I was there for something else, I doubt that would have happened.
Even without the madness of shopping for gifts it all comes up too fast and I can't seem to make the time to get it done. It's like trying to mail something.
If I have to find a box, put the thing in the box, put some padding in the box, tape it up, put the address info on it, THEN leave the house and take it to the post office, OMIGOD it's just too much and how does anyone ever mail anything it's sooooooo haaaaaaaaard!
Why can't I pay attention to the calendar and be more on top of these things? I can take on all kinds of work, but can't keep up with what should be the fun stuff.
I'll probably never be on top of all the fun stuff, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking of my friends and family and wishing them all sorts of holiday cheer.
I am, and I do. Merry Festivus!
p.s. Happy Birthday Ms. Crafty! Wish I could take you to Town Hall for a "Dohthee Pahkah."
I am SO with you on this one, Noots. As Linus from Peanuts would say, *sigh*. But then, the little shit would give you some kind of lecture on the true meaning blah blah blah shut up kid and go suck your thumb.
Yeah, and then we'd have to pelt him with snowballs. I really wish I'd found the Christmas spirit this year, but it just didn't happen. It's been too weird of a year. With David gone for so much of it, time seemed to stop and I've still not caught up. Blerg. Still need to get the biscotti factory going... Soon... soon...
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