I realized last night that my eyes were sunburned when I couldn't stop blinking in an effort to alleviate the mild burning sensation. It was so mild, I just thought my eyes were dry, but then I realized what happened.
My right eye feels like it has sand in it, but the left one, behind the camera most of the day, feels OK today. Man, if it's not one thing...
While hiking through the property we found this - check out the tusks!

Um...wow...sunburn in the eyeballs?!? Who knew?
Jebus, what the hell IS that???
That thar, Rooty, is the remains of a wild pig! We gots lots of 'em up in the sticks north of the city folk.
Every grassy area looked like it had been back-hoe'd all over - giant patches of torn up ground everywhere. It seemed impossible that machines hadn't come through to roto till the fields - but nope, all from wild pigs.
At times I thought we might encounter one and it would be like a scene in Lost where it just comes charging at you from the brush, with those crazy tusks aimed at your shins. I need a tripod/rifle combo for some of these jobs.
And yes, it's absolutely possible to sunburn the eyeballs. I don't recommend it. Not as bad as salt in your eye, but not really a good time. They're all better now (at least they feel better) but next time I'm covering up.
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