It was remarkably easy to get a business license in our little ol' town. I went down to City Hall not knowing exactly what all I might need to do, but figured if nothing else I'd learn once I got there.
A nice lady behind thick glass told me I had to fill out a couple of forms and see the planning folks for the permit to operate a business out of my home, then I could come back and have her finish the process. Everyone was nice as pie and and I was done with the whole thing in about 30 minutes.
Now I guess I'd better get to work. I need some inventory. A warehouse. Ooh, a forklift! Maybe I'll get the forklift next month.
Look out! You're an entremanure now! Being a part-time town bureaucrat myself, I'm amazed that you got by without a meticulous on-site municipal inspection by a haughty bureacratic combover with a well-clipped if disdainful moustache.
And please, don't sell shit. The licensing from the state and fed EPA get to be a REAL issue, let me tell you.
But what else would an entremanure sell? This business thing might be harder than I thought...
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