This pirate lunch box gem was one of many incredible gifts in the Archie McPhee "Mystery Box" that included fabulous prizes too numerous to mention, along with the patented (or should be) Box O Fun.
David especially loved the "monkey in the glass" cocktail napkins, but there was much, much more. It will take us until at least next Christmas to play with all the toys. Thank you Rooty, for hours of family fun - you're too good to us.
In other news, my career as a model is finally about to explode. After many years of not working at it or doing anything whatsoever to pursue such a career, my moment has finally come.

I got a call late last week from a local talent agency, specializing in "real people" talent, with a potential job.
I'd long since forgotten about having registered with them when the email arrived. But as luck would have it, I was available and apparently, still "real" enough for a photo shoot.

It was fun - super nice people, mellow studio - and most fun was watching the photographer and his assistant work.
On Tuesday I had to drive into the city and on the way home, I noticed a disturbing number of dead birds along the curb on the lower deck of the Bay Bridge. I used to commute on that bridge for years and never before have I seen so many dead birds.
Is it that they were mostly the young'uns that haven't learned how to negotiate around the bridge? Is the new eastern span construction disrupting their behavior? Or is it something else?
Which reminds me... After reading about the UFO in Chicago, it seems like a close encounter could actually happen before my time here is over. I guess we'll see, eh?
1. Wow. Awesome looks, Noots. If you don't make Vogue, then Maxim fer sher.
2. I am troubled at news of the birds as well. There was a similar rash of unrelated fishkill in varied location last spring, I think.
3. Glad you like the goodies. In particular, I saw the lunchbox and knew you had to have.
But upon second glance, why does a skull need an eyepatch?
must get drafty...
Hey, what are those little totems tied to your wrists, anon?
that would be patsy's wrist, and I think they're tiny baby dolls...
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